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Monday, March 15, 2010

Instant Messaging

I'm already pretty familiar with instant messaging and I really like it. I use it to keep in touch w/family member and friends who live far away. It's a really nice tool because unfortunately our schedule never seem to match up so that we can actually talk on the phone. I tend to use facebook the most. That seems to be the site that everyone goes to and I've been able to get in touch via IM with friends I haven't spoken to in years. In the past I would use hotmail quite a bit and it was very easy as well.

I don't think there are many concerns with Instant Messaging. Like anything else you should make sure that you know that person you are talking to. Don't just accept every person that requests you as a friend. If you don't recognize the address don't say yes. My only other issue is that sometimes I really need to get work done and I get sucked into a conversation. I like to keep the internet up a running because I do use it so much but I don't always have time to chat :)

In general, IM does not affect my work one way or another. The number of workers is small enough and we are usually in pretty close proximity to one another that we really don't need it. However, it really does come in handy when you have a patron that will not leave you alone. A coworker can send you an IM to see if you need rescued and really helps the situation.

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